6 Ways to increase traffic to your website.

More traffic is the chance of more business. So obviously, you are looking to try and maximise the amount of traffic to your site. Perhaps your site has better reviews than your competitors, better content and even better prices, but people still aren’t seeing your website, why is that and how do you fix it? Hopefully this blog will provide a few good FREE ideas for you to go away with and use, make sure to take notes.

1. Update old content

No content is perfect. Even if you think you wrote the best possible content for your website 5 years ago, it still needs to be tweaked regularly. Visitors will appreciate updated content that keeps up with the current times, and Google’s algorithm will appreciate it just as much, if not more. If you think your site could do with a content freshen up – then take the first step now. Anna Crowe wrote a very good article explaining the benefits of fresh content here that may be worth your while reading.

Make sure all content on your site is written originally and is also of a high standard. Try and make as much of this content as possible evergreen (this means that whatever the time of the year, whatever is happening economically, whatever the target audience is – people will be looking for this type of content). 

2. Set up a blog

Blogs can attract a lot of traffic to your site, they tend to come in the form of longer-formed page content, with paragraphs, images and a large variety of content. Every blog post that you add to your website is another page indexing in Google; which provides one more opportunity for your site to show up on a results page when somebody types something into Google that may be related to the blog.

You can use CTA (call to action)’s within your blog posts to create a higher chance of converting. These tend to be a button or link in the blog to prompt the reader into looking at your service. If your blog is talking about something that may be related to a service that you provide, then readers will (obviously) be more inclined to check it out, as they are already looking into the topic. You may in fact see some of ours throughout this post where we think you (as a reader) may be interested in our SEO services!

If you need help thinking about what content to put into your blog or how to gain more traffic through your blog check out this link.

If you are still struggling with thinking/creating blog posts for your site, contact us – we can give you a helping hand.